Obion County Board of Education
May 7, 2012

Agenda Item: VIII.

Report on Limited Purpose Personal Electronic Devices Procedure

Background Information:

At the December 5, 2011 Board meeting, the Board adopted the Limited Purpose Personal Electronic Devices Procedure. This procedure was adopted after Board members attended the Tennessee School Boards Association’s annual conference where a session was held discussing the effects of using personal electronic devices to enhance student learning. Subsequently, a meeting was held with teachers to explore the idea of using personal electronic devices to enhance student learning and, overwhelming, the teachers were enthusiastic.

The Board, for the limited purpose of field testing the use of personal communication devices to enhance student learning, adopted the procedure and relaxed Board Policy #6.312 (attached) for students in grades 9 – 12. Teachers from both high schools will report to the Board about their findings.

Staff Recommendation:

Without knowing how the procedure affected student learning, I have no recommendation. However, after hearing from the teachers and principals, if the Board wishes to amend Board Policy #6.312 to reflect the procedure adopted in December, 2011, there will need to be a motion, a second, and a vote to adopt this procedure as Board Policy on second and final reading (the December, 2011 meeting is considered the first reading). Policy adoption/amendment is within the discretion of the Board.